1SAM. 17:11, 2 TIM. 1:7

When I was younger, I used to get afraid whenever power was off and everywhere was dark. I feel so afraid seeing my clothes on the door looking like ghost. Did you ever have experience this? Fear is a feeling that makes us so scared of nothing looking like something.

Fear: Oxford dictionary defines fear as an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. It is a primary emotion that arises with the threat of harm, either physical, emotional, or psychological, real or imagined.

It is natural for a man to be afraid. The adrenal gland just above our kidneys is an endocrine gland that produces two fear hormones—adrenaline and cortisol, leading to the brain reacting for us to be afraid. The devil uses this to manipulate and keep us out of God's will. But God is giving us ways of how to deal with fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. God wants us to walk by faith, while Satan wants us to walk by fear.

God commands us not to fear a total of 365 times throughout the Bible.

The story of David and Goliath in 1Sam. 17 is a story that illustrates the message this morning. This story tells of how the Israelites were so scared of Goliath for forty days (v. 16) that no one could go near him. The description of Goliath in vs 4 -8 explains why the Israelites were so scared of him. Despite this a small David killed him with a sling and stone.

David defeated Goliath with the help of God and his confidence vs 45-51. God has not given us the spirit of fear – 1Tim. 1:7 so anytime we are afraid, we have forgotten who we are. David was a fearless man. No wonder he said in Psalms 23:4 that even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Also read Psa. 27:1-3. When our body releases hormones to make fear, we respond with the power of God in us.

A lot of the things we fear today are unreal and are just in our imagination. God does not want us to fear anybody and anything except him. Psa. 118:6, Matt. 10:28.

Christians should be bold and not to be afraid of anything because we are the children of the most high. Psa. 46: 1-3. We must believe that the Lord is with us everywhere we go – Josh. 1:9.

• Tomorrow: The fear of the unknown while forgetting that we have a God who knows all things stops us from making key decisions and enslaves us - Matt. 6:31-34, Heb. 10:35
• Pain: We are afraid of suffering and loss of our comfort- James 1:2-4, John 16:33
• Financial loss: This is the fear of poverty - 1 Sam. 2:7
• Devil: The fear of the devil and his agents has made a lot of Christians do evil and ungodly things – James 4:7
• Death: This is fear of death of a loved one or self. We shall all die someday. So why afraid? Heb. 2:14-15

• Fear makes us slaves to what we are afraid of – Rom. 8:15
• It stops from achieving God’s purpose in our life – Jonah 1: 1-3, Num. 13:30-33; 14:22-24
• It makes us to sin and fall from grace especially when we are threatened – Dan. 3:16-28
• Being afraid can make us sink in life – Matt. 14:22-33
• It makes us lose our confidence – Heb. 10:35

• Understand that God is with you once you are His child – Isa. 41:10
• Always ask yourself, what is the worse case scenario and accept it. This helps to bring calmness.
• Pray to God to help you overcome the spirit of fear – Psa. 34:4
• Equip yourself with the word of God – Pas. 119:105
• Cast all your anxiety on Jesus – 1Pet. 5:6-7
• Trust in God that all is well – Psa. 56:3-4
• Stand firm in Faith – 1 Cor. 16:13

We have heard the story of David and Goliath again. We have seen 5 things that make us to be afraid when we should not, the dangers of being afraid and how to overcome fear.

When we learn to live by faith, which comes through hearing God's Word, and not let fear rule, we can live a fulfilling, satisfying, peaceful and joyful life in Christ.

Lord, please equip me to overcome fear by your word. Let our hearts be filled with your presence, faith, love, praises and love in Jesus’ name.

Posted by Bro-David-Enilolobo

Aug. 25, 2024, 10:31 a.m.