Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Text Genesis 4:8
Objective of the lesson:

●Definition of the lesson
●Types of Domestic Violence
●Common Risk Factors of Domestic Violence
●Dangers/Effects of Domestic Violence
●Examples of Domestic Violence in the Bible
●Biblical Perspective on Domestic Violence
●Spiritual Implications of domestic Violence on households
●Ways for Domestic Violence Prevention

Definition of Domestic Violence:
●Violence is any action which causes pain, suffering, or destruction of life or property.
●Domestic is that which pertains to family, household, relationship, marriage.
●Domestic violence is violence in the home, or marriage.
●Domestic violence is any action or behaviour which threatens, frightens, intimidates, terrorizes, manipulates, hurts, humiliates, injures, or wounds someone non-physically, physically, emotionally, economically, etc.
●Domestic violence disrupts peace, love, unity, and harmony in the household.


Why does domestic violence happen? Domestic violence stems from a desire to control, wield power, and manipulate the victim into submission.
Domestic violence is more than just a relationship issue; it is a crime.
In saner climes, culprits of domestic violence, particularly physical abusers, are put behind bars.
Today, no single day passes without rib-breaking news of domestic violence physically and in non-physical forms.

Our social media and mainstream media are awash with reports of domestic violence, and a lot of cases of domestic violence go unreported.
For instance, in USA according to the National Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Survey, 2022, 1.5 million women experience domestic violence. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 26 men experience rape victimization in their life time.
In Nigeria, according to the United Nations report 2020, there were 11, 200 reported rape cases.
The Lagos State Police have confirmed that they recorded 111 sexual assault cases between April and June 2023.
Introduction cont.:

Introduction cont.:
But the stark truth remains that domestic violence is a common phenomenon in most households, leaving in its trail devastating consequences including premature deaths.
There never would have been cases of domestic violence in households if biblical principles on marriage relationships had been religiously adhered to by couples.
This lesson, therefore, seeks to discourage domestic violence in any guise, but promote harmonious co-existence in Christian homes founded on mutual respect, love and care.

Types of Domestic Violence:

Physical abuse:- This form of domestic violence finds expression in violently grabbing a victim, pushing, slapping, hitting, shoving, and biting.
According to a Freelance Health and wellness writer, Elizabeth Plumptre, physical abuse also includes withholding physical needs such as sleep or food, refusing to release necessities of life, locking a victim up in the house, or withholding help where the victim is sick/injured.

Sexual abuse:- Sexual assault and rape are prevalent type of domestic violence in marriage relationships. It is obtaining sexual act by the use of violence.
Studies have shown that women experience sexual assault more frequently than men.


Emotional abuse:- Here the abuser uses sly word and actions to tear down the self-esteem of the victim, targeting the emotional wellbeing of the person.
We find example in Peninnah, Elkanah's second wife, always taunting Hannah, her co-wife, simply because Hannah did not bear Elkanah children - 1Sam. 1:2-6.
We also find Hagar, Abraham's housemate, disrespecting Sarah because Sarah did not give Abraham a child - Gen. 16:1-5.

Financial abuse:- According to Elizabeth Plumptre, Health and wellness writer, the abusers wield their influence over the economic resources in the relationship as a means to oppress their victims. They limit or deny their victims access to funds. They might prevent their victims from working or orchestrate a victim's loss of employment by sabotaging their work. They might take away the victim's ability to earn money. They might place the victims on allowance or deny any say in how finances are disbursed.

Isolation:- The abuser limits social contact of the abused to avoid having their abuse noticed by others. The abuser keeps the abused from family, friends, or colleagues.
The abused may choose to avoid interaction with family, friends or acquaintances for fear that they might notice the bruises or injuries sustained in the relationship.

Stalking:- Here, the abuser is following up on the abused, allowing the abused no breathing space. The abuser follows the victim through daily activities; reads the victim's mail without permission; break into the victim's room unannounced; watches the victims from a distance.

The Common Risk Factors of Domestic Violence:-
●Power and control:- The abuser is out to exert control and power over his victim.
●Poor communication skills:- Inability to communicate effectively, resolving conflict peacefully
●Patriarchal attitude:- Societal norms and beliefs that perpetuate male dominance and entitlement. Cultural and societal norms that condone or tolerate domestic violence.
●Low self-esteem:- The abuser may have low self-esteem problem and use control and violence to compensate.
●Mental health issues:- Certain mental health conditions such as depressions, anxiety, and personality disorders.
●Trauma and stress:- Unresolved trauma, stress, and anxiety can fuel agressive behaviours.
●Isolation:- Social isolation can make it difficult for victims to seek help.
●Lack of accountability:- Failure to hold abusers accountable for their actions.
●History of abuse:- The abuser may have been a victim of domestic violence.
●Personality disorders:- Certain personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder.

Dangers or Effects of Domestic Violence:-
●- Physical harm:- injuries, destruction, and even death.
●- Emotional trauma:- Anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
●- Child abuse:- Witnessing or experiencing abuse can harm children's wellbeing.
●- Surcide:- Increased risk of suicide due to emotional trauma.
●- Homelessness:- The abused may be forced to flee home, leading to homelessness.
●- Health problem:- Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression leads to health issues, including Bp.
●- Loss of sense of individuality.
●- Feelings of incompetent.
●- Lack of confidence.
●- Isolation from friends and family.
●- Dependence upon the abuser.
●- Feeling helpless and paralyzed.

Some Examples of Domestic Violence in the Bible:-
●- The first known domestic violence occurred in the household of Adam when Cain cut down his brother out of envy - Gen. 4:8.
●- After the murder in the household of Adam, there was rape and murder in the household of King David. Amnon raped Tamar and later Absalom killed him - 2Sam. 13:1-39.
●- Nabal, Abigail's husband, was abusive and wicked towards her. He was evil and harsh in his dealing with Abigail - 1Sam. 25:1-44.
●- The Levite who casually threw his concubine out to a mob to be raped, and when she died as a result of her injury, he cut her into pieces to show Israel how his property had been destroyed - Judges 19:25-30.
●- Noah's daughters violated their father to commit incest under drunkenness - Gen. 19:30-38.

Biblical Perspective on Domestic Violence:
Domestic violence is against God's plan for families.
Domestic violence is a far cry from the character of Christ.
Under the Jewish Law, rape was viewed as equivalent to murder - Deut. 22:25-27.
The scriptures are full of condemnation of domestic violence - Prov.3:29-30.

In the beginning, the injunction of two becoming one flesh does not leave room for domestic violence in any guise - Gen. 2:23-24.
-Ephesians 5:21 talks about mutual submission.
-Ephesians 5:22-24 explains a wife's submission to her husband while verses 25, 28-29 talks about a husband's self-sacrificial love for his wife.
-1Peter 3:1-7 admonishes wife and husband on mutual love and respect.
-1Cor. 7::3-5 enjoins husband and wife not to deprive each other.
-God frowns at domestic violence involving children - Psalms 127:3, Eph. 6:4, Col. 3:21.
- Serving God involves serving others, as Christ came to serve and not to be served - Matt 20:26-28, John 13:34, Eph. 5:1-2.
-Christians are called to sacrificially love others especially in their own families, leaving no room to manipulate or exert unnecessary control over another.

Spiritual Implications of Domestic Violence:
-All violence is considered an offence against God and against humanity.
-In behaving disorderly towards one's wife, one's prayers may be hindered - 1Pet. 3:7.
-The presence of God does not dwell in a chaotic atmosphere, but evil work - James 3:16.
-Family altar collapses, creating room for the rulership of Satan.
-Where a home is embroiled in domestic violence, it becomes the temple of Satan.
-Abusive homes is only a breeding ground for future abusers.

Ways for Domestic Violence Prevention:-
How can we prevent domestic violence?
What should a Christian do in an abusive marriage relationship?
Sylvia Smith, a relationship expert, offers some tips in an article titled, "Tips on Dealing with Domestic Violence and Abuse"
"Prevention is better than figuring out the cure once the damage has happened. It is better to take care of things when you have the time than to try to set things right after things have gone wrong. Setting the right foundation for a relationship can ensure that there is no scope for domestic violence. There are limits set that ensure both partner's mutual respect and protection"
Ultimately, the way out of domestic violence lies in the scriptures.
Follow God's injunction as encapsulated in Ephesians 5:21-25, 28-33, on principles of marriage and christian home, then there will be no room for domestic violence in any guise.
However, where we encounter victims of domestic violence, let us make time for them, start a conversation, listen without judgement to offer advice, and learn the warning signs.

Posted by Bro-Edet-Dickson

Sept. 1, 2024, 10:22 a.m.