TEXT: While my breath is in me, and the Spirit of God is in my nostril; my lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. God forbid that I should justify you; till I die, I will not remove mine INTEGRITY (SELF – RESPECT) from me. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live …. Job 27:4 – 6.
INTRO: Respect is Admiration (Regard), for someone or something because of their abilities, qualities, or achievement.
Respect is EARN, through strong moral, social qualities, abilities or achievements, but not bought with money.
Respect is RECIPROCAL: The Bible encourages us to “Render therefore to all their dues; Tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom is due; fear to whom fear is due; honor (Respect) to whom honor (Respect) is due”….. Roman 13:7.
Christians are expected to Earn or command the world’s respect by the good fruits they bear ……… Mathew 7:15 – 20.
Jesus our master was a great example to the people of His generation and to us today. He EARNED the people’s RESPECT through his subtle behaviours and set great examples for us his disciples to follow …… Eph. 5:1, 1 Cori. 11:1.
Let’s quickly take a look at how some simple behaviour shift can profoundly influence how people perceive us; making us lose our Respects as Christians and putting the name of Christ to shame:

Being in a Hurry:
You may hurry in an emergency and that’s fine, but if this becomes your normal behavior, this signal to others and yourself that you are out of control. e.g Always hurrying into the office / meeting / church / classroom after everyone is sitted.

Jesus Christ our master and good example was never in a hurry in accomplishing any of His task; and this earn Him a lot of Respect from people, even His enemies e.g John 2:1 – 10. “mine hour is not yet come”.
Everything he did was at the “APPOINTED TIME OR FULLNESS OF TIME”
Double standard (frequent shifts instance):
There is nothing wrong with occasionally changing your mind and allowing your view points to shift. It is even better if you are willing to admit you got something wrong and that a change of mind was warranted.
But you will lose your Respect if your opinions or decisions are quickly and repeatedly swayed by others. This signals weakness and a lack of faith in your own views.
“As Double minded person is unstable in His ways” Paul called double minded people, “infant or immature “John 1:18 tossed about with different wind of Doctrine …… Eph. 4:14.

Having no value for time:
When you don’t have respect for time, no one will respect you! The meeting is by 10: 00am and you came in at 10:45am, with all forms of seemingly genuine excuses. Well African – Time, everybody understands, and you are welcome, but deep down people lose their respect for you for keeping them waiting!

The Bible encourages us to “Redeem the times for the days are evil” …. Eph. 5:15 – 16., Col. 4:5.
“Not slothful, in business, but serving the Lord”, Roman 12;11 or Not (Not lazy) but follow those who had faith and obtain mercy from God…… Heb 6:12.

Complaining (Murmuring):
Judging something as an issue and raising awareness about it for a change is not an unnecessary complain but moaning about something you can’t change is unnecessary complaint, and it lower people’s respect for you, because you are not bringing solution but moaning about something that can’t be changed. Unnecessary complaint about what cannot be changed lead to murmuring and backbiting which destroys individual and organizational values.
“ These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words to gain people’s admiration.
“ Do everything without complain and arguing so that no one can critize you…. Phili. 2:13 – 15.

Argument (Arguing):
There is different between arguing and engaging in a healthy, subtle debate on a topic. Arguing / Arguments reflects a need to prove oneself, with an approach that is competitive and lacking in willingness to listen to the opposing views.
Arguments is like two bulls locking horns, and respectable people know how to avoid this.
Jesus never argued with the Scrip and Pharisees even when they always tempted him with arguments….. Math. 22:15 – 22.

The Bible warns about Argument: Phil. 2:13 – 15, “Do everything without argument” “Charging them that they strife not about words, to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers” …. 2 Tim. 2:14.

This is frustrating if I’m speaking and you can’t wait to interject with your opinion as I’m talking. The speaker might allow you to trample all over their comments, but deep down, they don’t respect you for this. Cutting in plainly demonstrates we lack faith in our own words, and so we are compelled to prove ourselves at all times.
Jesus never interrupted anyone, even in worst situation like his trial at the Synagguge …….”Math. 27:12 – 14. He answered nothing, waiting for his time to talk.
Strife not in words ……… 2 Tim. 2:14, Ph. 2:3, let nothing be done in strife.
A wiseman keepeth his comment till afterward ……Prov. 29:11b “ .

Anger / Outburst:
Anger / outburst might bring a momentary feeling of power / victory and comfort over your opponent, But in the long run you become weak and miserable before the same people you are trying to impress because of your inability to control yourself. People tend to lose a lot of respect for you when you cannot control yourself in anger.
Jesus could have called Ten thousand Angels, to destroy the world, and set Him free, but he died alone, to set us free ………… Math. 26 :50 – 54.

Dishonesty / Lies:
The fastest way to earn disrespect from people, even little children is to fail in your promises / lies.
It is not impossible that one makes a promise and things did not go the way you expected, and then you fail in your promise.
But when you bluntly and frequently tell lies and become dishonest in your dealings with people around you, then you have lost your respect with them.
Jesus is an example of honesty, trustworthiness: All his promises are met ... e.g Math. 11:28 “come unto me ye that labor”.
“Speak the truth in love”. … Eph. 4:15.
“All liers will have their place in Hell”… Rev. 21:8.

Showing no interest in others:
Your respect will fade if we hear about you more than you are asking about us.
True leaders are at least curious about those they are with, not because they are faking niceness to be liked. it’s about developing consciousness about those around them.
Jesus went about doing good, “Act 10:33”, not because he wanted to be noticed, but because he wants to share his glory with all.
Today we remember the good Samaritan and respect him because of his interest in the wounded man; but we lose our respect for the priest, the politician, Pharisees who showed less interest ……… Luke 10:25 – 37.
The Bible encourage us to “Do good to all men, especially those in the household of God”… Gal. 6:9 – 10.

Christians are the light of the world; A city on a hill cannot be hidden. …. Math 5: 14 – 16.
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness … 1 Peter 2:9.
We are expected to be an example to the world and the believer in words, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity…… 1 Tim 4:12.
Thank you!

Posted by Bro-Godwin-Bassey

Sept. 16, 2024, 11:09 a.m.