TEXT: “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” Psa. 20:7.
Study Outline:
1. Aim of the study
2. Definition of terms.
3. Introduction of lesson.
4. The concept of God’s sovereignty
5. Example of people who trusted in the sovereignty of God.
6. Dangers of not trusting in the sovereignty of God.
7. Conclusion.

1. Aim of the study:
• To teach us that the earth and its fullness belong to God; the world and the people that dwell in it … Ps 24:1 – 2.
• To teach us that God is strong and mighty; and is always available anytime, anywhere ….Ps 24:79.
• To teach us that God gives the REAL BLESSING S of the earth and HIS SALVATION TO ONLY THOSE WHO TRUST IN HIM Ps 24:3 – 6.
2. Definition of Terms:
• “Trusting”:
Oxford Advance learner’s dictionary defines “ Trusting” as, “showing or tending to have a belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity; Not being suspicious”.
• Sovereignty:
Oxford Advance learner’s Dictionary defines “ Sovereignty” as, “Supreme power or authority”
• God:
Oxford Advance learner’s Dictionary defines “ God” as “the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being”

Dictioning Meaning of Our Topic:
• Showing or having belief in the honesty or sincerity of the Supreme power or authority of the creator or ruler of the universe.

Many of us see the chaos and unpredictability in today’s world and dread the future. We wonder, “ will we face more persecution, more economic decline, an increase in virus cases or a war? What will the future hold for my children and grand children – will they continue to suffer like this?”
Our anxieties increases when we consider our daily sufferings and trials; job loss, health crises, the death of loved ones, unpaid bills, rebellious children etc.
We wonder secretly, Is God still here with us today? Or is he watching helplessly in heaven as our world unravels around us?
In short, we wonder; Is God sovereign? And if He is, why the suffering, why the chaos, why the evil?

4. The concept of God’s sovereignty
God’s sovereignty means that: He is over everything, in control of all things, and absolutely independence to do as he pleases. No creature, person or empire can either thwart His will or act outside the bounds of His will,
“For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart Him. His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back”. (Isa. 14:27).

The major components of the Biblical Concept of divine sovereignty or Lordship of God are CONTROL, AUTHORITY AND PRESENCE.
To trust on God’s sovereignty therefore means to believe or accept God’s SOVEREIGN CONTROL (Omniscience), SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY (Omnipotent) AND SOVEREIGN PRESENCE (Omnipresent) over our lives and the world around us .
a. God’s sovereign control (Omniscience) : His control means that everything happens according to His plan and intention. The Bible teaches that God controls all things ; and has eternal plan for all of nature and History (Eph. 1:9 – 11)
b. God’s sovereign authority (omnipotent):
God’s sovereign authority implies that He is Lord that must be obeyed (Deut. 6:46, Job 14:21, Math7: 21 – 23).
Because He is the Lord, His authority is absolute, that:
Means: - 1. We should not waver in our obedience to him (Rom. 4:16 – 22)
​ 2. His Lordship transcend all over other loyalties (Math. 10: 34 – 38).
​ 3. His authority over us exist – all areas of human life , not just in the
​ area we call religious or sacred (1 Cor. 10:31).

c. God’s sovereign presence (omnipresent):
This is God’s covenant solidarity with His Creation. In the scripture, the covenant Lord is one who takes people to be His own (Exo. 6 : 7, II Cor. 6 : 16). When God takes us to be his people , he fight our battles, blesses us, loves us, saves us, and sometimes (as a loving father should) gives us special punishments for our sins (Amos 3 : 2) .
In the OT, he fulfilled His presence with Israel in the tabernacle and the temple (Num 6 : 27). In the NT He dwell in us in Jesus – “Emmanuel” – “God with us” (Isa. 7 : 14, Math 1 : 23); After the physical departure of Jesus from the earth, he sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us as his temple (I Cor. 3 : 16). God’s sovereign presence is not only with His chosen human beings, but His presence is everywhere (Psa. 139 , Acts 17 : 28).

5. Examples of people who trusted in the sovereignty of God:
• Abraham and Isaac the sacrificial lamb – (Gen. 22:1 – 8) “And Abraham said, my son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together” – (vs 8).
• David and Goliath – (I Sam. 17 : 45): “ Then said David to the Philistine, thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host, the God of the Armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” – (vs 45)
• Daniel in the lions den: (Daniel 6 : 22) : “ My God hath sent His angel, and hath shut the lions mouths that they have not hurt me : for as much as before him innocence was found in me, and also before thee O king, have I done no hurt” - (vs 22).
• Shedrach , Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3 : 16 – 18):
“Shedrach , Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king, if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning furnace and He will deliver us out of thine hand O king”.
• Job and his Loss (Job 1 : 23) : And job said, I came naked out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither : the Lord give, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly”.
• Jesus at Gethsemane (Math. 26 : 39) : “ And he went a little further and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will but as thou will it”.
6. Danger of not trusting on the sovereignty of God:
• Miss out of God’s care: God promises to take care of everything for the trusting soul (Math 10: 29 – 31). When you don’t trust, you miss out on so much.
When you don’t trust God, you try to take your life into your own hands; you make bad decisions, and you only end up hurting yourself and others. (e.g I Sam. 28 : 4 – 19, King Saul)
• Using God’s sovereignty against yourself:
“If you are reasoning like this, then you are currently using God’s sovereignty against yourself: “well God is sovereign; he chooses whom he will, so I can’t do anything; He is going to have to do it! I mean , I can’t save myself. If I’m going to be saved, then he must save me. He has mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will, he will show compassion! He elects some, and some the doesn’t. and so God has got to do this things!”.

All that his very true, God has got to save you! He is sovereign! But why are you not allowing that to work for you? Why are you allowing that to work against you? Why do you refuse to listen to this same God that says, “ whoever comes to me, I will not cast out?” Who also says, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”.

The sovereign God leaves his gospel wide open and chooses to receive everyone who comes to Him by faith (e.g Math 8 : 1 – 3, the Leper)

Indeed, we only really find comfort in God’s sovereignty when we learn to trust him. We must trust him as freely as children trust their parents. To trust God’s sovereignty freely as a child, we must believe or accept totally His control, authority and presence in our daily lives and affairs. And allow him to have His way and lead us through in all life circumstances. So that no matter the chaos, sufferings, trials , we can be comfortable knowing that our good God is sovereignly orchestrating all things for our own good and His glory.

Thank you.

Posted by Bro-Godwin-Bassey

July 10, 2024, 9:11 p.m.