Text: “This is not to scare you, but to remind you to be watchful. Your adversary the devil is as a roaring lion, walking about seeking whom to devour” 1 Pet. 5 : 8 (NIV).

Study Outline:
1. Aim of the study.
2. Definition of terms.
3. Introduction of lesson.
4. Understanding spiritual warfare in marriage and the real enemy.
5. Signs of spiritual warfare in marriage.
6. Fighting spiritual warfare as a couple.
7. Conclusion.

• To understand the reason behind spiritual warfare in marriage, and the real enemy – Satan.
• To know the signs of spiritual warfare in marriage.
• To learn practical strategies for battling spiritual warfare as a couple.

• Spiritual: “ Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things” (Adv. Learners Dic)
• Warfare: “ Engaging in, or the activities involved in war or conflicts” (Adv. Learners Dic).
• Marriage: “the legally or formally recognized union between a man and a woman as partner in a personal relationship” (Adv. Learners Dic).

Spiritual warfare in marriage is the Christian concept of fighting against the works of evil forces that are said to intervene in human affairs in various ways in marriage relationships.

3. Introduction of lesson: Marriage is a supernatural institution that unifies two people in a strong covenant, not just with one another, but also with God.
Husband Gen. 2::4 – 24 Wives

In this partnership, obstacles are unavoidable, ranging from the minor disagreements to more serious ones that might jeopardize the marriage’s foundation.
As Christians, we must recognize that some of these difficulties have spiritual origins that cannot be solved just through human intelligence.

Spiritual warfare in marriage entails actively defending marriage relationships from the preternatural evil forces that aim to destroy it. It involves prayers, scriptures, trust and godly advice (II Corin. 10:4). Couples who have put on the entire armor of God and stand together in faith may not only overcome the obstacles they experience, but also establish a stronger, more satisfying marriage relationship.

Marriage is often described in the bible not just as a formal union, but also as a spiritual journey paralleling Christ’s relationship with the church.

​​ GOD​​​​​​ GOD
​​ Marriage ​​​​​ The family of God​​​​​
Husband Gen. 2: 21 -24 Wife Christ Eph. 5:23 – 33 The Church ​

This depth makes it a PERFECT TARGET for spiritual assaults that seek to undermine its balance and purpose. Eph. 5:23 – 33 draws a connection between marital relationships and Christ’s love for the church, emphasizing the holiness and sacrificial nature of love in marriage. Understanding this may help couples recognize the spiritual attacks involved and the need for spiritual warfare in marriage (I Pet. 5:8).

Also, the bible says that, “ A cord of three stands is not quickly broken” (Eccl. 4 :12). And marriage union is one of the “ Cord of the three stands” recorded in the scriptures that is not quickly broken.
It is a supernatural institution that unifies two people in a strong covenant with God.

​ GOD​​​​ GOD​​​​ Father

​ Creation ​​​​ marriage family

Man Gen 2:27 Woman Husband​ Gen 2: 21 – 24 Wife Mother Gen 3:20 Children

​ Father​​​​ Spirit​​​ GOD

God Head​​​ salvation/redemption family of God
Son​1 Joh. 5:7​Holy Spirit water​1 Joh. 5:8 Blood Christ Eph. 5:21-23 The church

The above are some of the mysteries of the cord of three stands that cannot quickly be broken spoken of in Eccl. 4:12, which the devil dare God at all times to break. When the devil breaks us away from any of this cord, he is cutting off our only source of help and hope – God! And so in marriage, when the devil gets a foothold , he cuts/ breaks off this cord and you become vulnerable for all attacks.

A million things could be affecting your marriage negatively: your spouse’s mistake, your own mistakes, differing personalities and expectations, lack of communication, busyness, financial or parenting hardships, sickness, extended family problems and many more. None of these are the real enemy of your marriage. And the enemy of your marriage is certainly not your spouse, regardless of how misguided or lazy or inconsiderate they may be; its not your personal failings, the conflicts and busyness.

Behind all the junk, there is someone who is out to destroy your marriage. He is behind the culture of divorce and infidelity, the addiction and abuse. And he is behind the apathy that often sets in when marriage misery takes root. The real enemy of your marriage is God’s enemy – Satan (the devil) and his kingdom. Jesus warned us in John 10:10 “ The thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy”

These signs serve as indicators that spiritual warfare may be taking place, affecting the harmony and stability of marriage. Its important to note that not all challenges faced in marriage are spiritual battles;
However, recognizing these signs can provide a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. Recognizing the signs of spiritual warfare in marriage is actually the first step towards overcoming these challenges.
1. Constant conflicts and arguments with no apparent cause; and unreadiness to end it.
2. Feeling a negative spiritual presence in the home or during intimate moments.
3. Extreme and unexpected mood swings in one or both partners.

4. Significant disruptions in communication with difficulty in expressing love and emotions.
5. A sudden increase in temptations and desires outside the marriage.
6. Loss of interests in spiritual practices such as prayers and attending religious services.


The key strategy in fighting spiritual warfare in marriage is to maintain a good level of intimacy (closeness) in marriage.
Remember spiritual warfare in marriage is not a battle that should be taught alone. Together as a couple, you have the strength and resilience to overcome every challenges that come your way. (Eccl. 4:9 – 12 Read).

Apostle Paul portrayed the Amour of God in Eph. 6: 10 – 18 for the purpose of fighting against the unseen/ spiritual forces of the enemy (the devil) in our individual lives, marriages and families.
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and power, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places “Eph. 6: 10 – 12.

For any warfare be fought successfully, there is need for you to identify your opponent / enemy. The above bible passage and (1 Pet. 5 : 8) clearly identify / define who the opponent / enemy of marital warfare is – Satan (the devil) and his kingdom.

For your war against your enemy in the warfare to be effective, you must select well articulated armory / weapons for targeted attacks: “for the weapons of our warfare are not canal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (II Cor. 10:4).
1. Belt of truth: honestly and transparency strengthen trust, which is the cornerstone of every successful marriage. Don’t forget, there is a difference between secrecy and privacy. Anytime we are hiding anything from our spouse, the enemy is winning.
2. Breast plate of righteousness: following God’s rules ensure closeness and connection.
3. Shoes of peace: A dedication to peace prevents disagreement from growing and causing harm.
4. Shield of faith: Trusting in God help to detect doubts and anxieties that might weaken relationships.
5. Helmet of salvation: A shared emphases on Christ helps to preserve eternal perspectives on marital difficulties.

6. Sword of the spirit: Regular bible study and application provides knowledge and direction Heb. 4:12.
7. The power of prayer: Prayer is essential for coping with marital problems efficiently. It’s the route through which God communicates with us, transferring strength and knowledge.
8. Seeking wise counsel: “Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisers, they succeed” (Prov. 15:22). Engaging with mentors, preachers or Christian councilors who can provide biblical guidance is vital.

There are recorded examples of families who successfully fought spiritual warfares in their marriages such as Hannah and Elkanah, Precilia and Aquilia. Also couples who failed in achieving success are Job’s wife, Eli and his wife, Ananias and Saphira.

In our discussion today, we have delved into the realm of spiritual warfare within the context of marriage and how couples can overcome these battles together. Whether you have experienced signs of spiritual warfare in your marriage relationships or are simply curious about this phenomenon, this lesson has been able to provide reliable insights and strategies for navigating theses challenges.
Protecting marriage from spiritual attacks requires commitment, resilience and shared determination to overcome. By fighting together as a couple and implementing these practical strategies, couples can strengthen their bond, and deepen their foundations for a thriving marriage.

Thank you.

Posted by Bro-Godwin-Bassey

July 10, 2024, 9:16 p.m.